Sample Applications: Geometrics

CLODPolyline: Continuous level of detail for a polyline (decimation by vertex collapses).
ConformalMapping: Conformal mapping of a triangle mesh of genus 0 onto a sphere.
ConstrainedDelaunay2D: Constrained Delaunay triangulation that uses exact rational arithmetic (CPU).
ConvexHull2D: Convex hull for a set of 2D points that uses exact rational arithmetic (CPU).
ConvexHull3D: Convex hull for a set of 3D points that uses exact rational arithmetic (CPU).
Delaunay2D: Delaunay triangulation for a set of 2D points that uses exact rational arithmetic (CPU).
Delaunay3D: Delaunay tetrahedralization for a set of 3D points that uses exact rational arithmetic (CPU).
DisjointIntervalsRectangles: Boolean operations on intervals and axis-aligned rectangles.
ExtremalQuery: Compute extreme points for convex polyhedron using BSP trees.
GenerateMeshUVs: Automatic generation of texture coordinates for a mesh with rectangle or disk topology.
IncrementalDelaunay2: Incremental insertion/removal of points for Delaunay triangulation.
MinimalCycleBasis: Extract all the cycles from a planar graph as a forest of cycle-basis trees.
MinimumAreaBox2D: Minimum-area or minimum-width bounding box for a set of 2D points that uses exact rational arithmetic (CPU).
MinimumAreaCircle2D: Minimum-area circle for a set of 2D points that uses exact rational arithmetic (CPU).
MinimumVolumeBox3D: Minimum-volume bounding box for a set of 3D points that uses some exact rational arithmetic (CPU).
MinimumVolumeSphere3D: Minimum-volume sphere for a set of 3D points that uses exact rational arithmetic (CPU).
PolygonBooleanOperations: Boolean operations on polygons (union, intersection, difference, exclusive-or) using BSP trees.
SplitMeshByPlane: A simple algorithm for clipping a triangle mesh by a plane.
TriangulationEC: Triangulation via ear clipping of polygons, nested polygons, and trees of nested polygons.
TriangulationCDT: Triangulation via constrained Delaunay triangulation of polygons, nested polygons, and trees of nested polygons.
VertexCollapseMesh: Vertex collapses to decimate a mesh while preserving the mesh topology.

CLODPolyline. Continuous level of detail for a polyline (decimation by vertex collapses). Each vertex V[i] is some distance to the line segment connecting its neighbors, V[i-1] and V[i+1]. To reduce the level of detail, the vertex of minimum distance is removed from the polyline. This example illustrates the min-heap data structure designed for geometric algorithms. The sequence of images is ordered from top row to bottom row. Within each row, the ordering is from left column to right column. The application keyboard interface allows you to adjust the level of detail: '+' to increase the level of detail or '-' to decrease the level of detail.

CLODPolyline0 CLODPolyline1 CLODPolyline2 CLODPolyline3
CLODPolyline4 CLODPolyline5 CLODPolyline6 CLODPolyline7
CLODPolyline8 CLODPolyline9 CLODPolyline10 CLODPolyline11
CLODPolyline12 CLODPolyline13

ConformalMapping. Conformal mapping of a triangle mesh of genus 0 onto a sphere while minimizing distortion. The method is useful for generating texture coordinates on the original triangle mesh. The spherical coordinates act as the texture coordinates. The images show the original mesh on the left (a brain surface segmented from a 3D medical image) and the conformally mapped sphere on the right. The vertices are pseudocolored according to mean curvature. The vertices of the puncture triangle are set to red, so that triangle shows up as red; neighboring triangles get interpolated values based on the red vertex and their other pseudocolored vertices. You can see that the conformally mapped mesh has a minimum of distortion compared to the original.


ConstrainedDelaunay2D. Constrained Delaunay triangulation. This is a CPU implementation that uses exact rational arithmetic for a robust (and correct) algorithm. The unsigned integer type for the exact arithmetic uses a fixed-size structure for speed. Of course, you need to determine how many bits of precision are required for your algorithm in order to use a fixed-size structure. The row0-column0 image shows the Delaunay triangulation of a random set of points. The green edges are required to be part of the triangulation. The row0-column1 image shows the triangulation after inserting one green edge. The row1-column0 image shows the triangulation after insertion another green edge. Thw row1-column1 image shows the triangulation after insertion of the final green edge.

ConstrainedDelaunay2D_0 ConstrainedDelaunay2D_1
ConstrainedDelaunay2D_2 ConstrainedDelaunay2D_3

ConvexHull2D. Convex hull of 2D points. This is a CPU implementation that uses exact rational arithmetic for a robust (and correct) algorithm. The unsigned integer type for the exact arithmetic uses a variable-size structure, so a large portion of the execution time is spent allocating and deallocating memory. Feel free to determine how many bits of precision are required and switch to a fixed-size structure instead in order to improve the performance. The left image shows the convex hull of a random set of 2D points. The right image shows the convex hull of a 3x3 grid of points. The 3x3 grid is a typical data set that causes problems when using floating-point arithmetic, because the set has collinear points and the classification of collinearity using signs of determinants might be incorrect due to round-off errors.

ConvexHull2D_0 ConvexHull2D_1

ConvexHull3D. Convex hull of 3D points. This is a CPU implementation that uses exact rational arithmetic for a robust (and correct) algorithm. The unsigned integer type for the exact arithmetic uses a fixed-size structure for speed. Of course, you need to determine how many bits of precision are required for your algorithm in order to use a fixed-size structure. The images show the convex hull of various data sets. These data sets (courtesy of John Ratcliff) were ones that failed the floating-point-only algorithm in an earlier version of Wild Magic (leading to some scrambling to make that algorithm more robust). All hulls are computed correctly with the exact arithmetic of GTEngine.

ConvexHull3D_0 ConvexHull3D_1 ConvexHull3D_2

Delaunay2D. Delaunay triangulation. This is a CPU implementation that uses exact rational arithmetic for a robust (and correct) algorithm. The unsigned integer type for the exact arithmetic uses a variable-size structure, so a large portion of the execution time is spent allocating and deallocating memory. Feel free to determine how many bits of precision are required and switch to a fixed-size structure instead in order to improve the performance. The left image shows the Delaunay triangulation of a random set of 2D points.

The middle image shows the linear-walk search algorithm for locating a triangle that contains a point. The green triangle is where the user clicked the left-mouse button. An initial triangle is selected and the binary-space partitioning tree implied by the triangulation is used to guide the search path to that triangle. The initial triangle is on the boundary of the triangulation, and the path leads vertically upward. You can save the last containing triangle and specify that as the starting triangle for the next search query. For spatially coherent point selections, such as in resampling of meshes for interpolation, this provides effectively an O(1) algorithm for searching.

The right image shows the Delaunay triangulation for a 3x3 grid of points. This is a typical data set that cause problems for floating-point implementations because of the presence of cocircular points.

Delaunay2D_0 Delaunay2D_1 Delaunay2D_2

Delaunay3D. Delaunay tetrahedralization. This is a CPU implementation that uses exact rational arithmetic for a robust (and correct) algorithm. The unsigned integer type for the exact arithmetic uses a fixed-size structure for speed. Of course, you need to determine how many bits of precision are required for your algorithm in order to use a fixed-size structure. The left image shows the Delaunay tetrahedralization of a set of random 3D points.

The middle image shows a linear walk, similar to that in 2D, to find a tetrahedron containing a query point. In this example, the query point is shown as a small black sphere. The search path starts with a purple-colored tetrahedron. The final tetrahedron is colored red. The tetrahedra from start to finish have increasing red channel and decreasing blue channel. In practice, the linear walk is an efficient algorithm, but it is known that there exist (pathological) data sets for which the search algorithm is quadratic in time.

The right image shows the Delaunay tetrahedralization of a 3x3x3 grid of points. This is a typical data set that cause problems for floating-point implementations because of the presence of cospherical points.

Delaunay3D_0 Delaunay3D_1 Delaunay3D_2

DisjointIntervalsRectangles. Boolean operations on intervals and on axis-aligned rectangles (union, intersection, difference, exclusive-or). The application has no visual output and act as unit tests for the engine code.

ExtremalQuery. Compute extreme points for convex polyhedron using BSP trees. The application displays a convex polyhedron, each face having a distinct color. The extreme points in the x-direction (left/right) are shown as small black spheres. The polyhedron is on a virtual trackball. As you rotate it with a left-drag of the mouse, the extreme points change dynamically. The left image shows the initial configuration of the polyhedron. The right image shows the polyhedron slightly rotated from top to bottom.

ExtremalQuery0 ExtremalQuery1

GenerateMeshUVs. Automatic generation of texture coordinates for a mesh with rectangle or disk topology. The first pair of images (from left to right) show the original mesh, which was generated from a hemisphere using random perturbations of the spherical points along rays. The texture coordinates were generated manually (using the MeshFactory class). The second pair of images show a mesh whose texture coordinates were generated by the class GenerateMeshUV; the comments in the class header list the reference for the algorithm. The mesh was then resampled in uv-space. The left images of the pairs are renderings of the meshes and the right images of the pairs are corresponding wireframe renderings of the meshes so that you can see the underlying uv-mesh. The orientations of the texture on the two meshes are different, because the orientation using barycentric mapping dependns on how the mesh boundary is mapped to the boundary of the uv-square.

GenerateMeshUVs0 GenerateMeshUVs1 GenerateMeshUVs2 GenerateMeshUVs3

IncrementalDelaunay2. Incremental insertion and removal of points for a Delaunay triangulation. The code uses a blend of interval arithmetic and rational arithmetic to ensure correct results. The constructor of IncrementalDelaunay2 requires you to specify a bounding rectangle for the points you plan on inserting or removing. A supertriangle is created to contain the bounding rectangle. The rectangle itself is inserted into the triangulation (as 2 triangles). The upper-left image is the initial triangulation of 32 points, inserted with 32 insert operations. The triangles are drawn in red and the convex hull is drawn in blue. The hull is the bounding rectangle. The upper-right image has the lower-right-most point removed (via a SHIFT plus LEFT-MOUSE-DOWN operation). The lower-left image is the upper-right image with an interior point removed--the point approximately left of center in the upper-right image. When you are finished with insertions and removal of points, you can keep the bounding rectangle if your application requires it. If you do not want the bounding rectangle, a member function FinalizeTriangulation() can be called to remove it. Once called, you can no longer insert or remove points; that is, the triangulation is final. The lower-right image is obtained by calling FinalizeTriangulation() for the lower-left image. The convex hull edges are drawn in cyan; these edges are part of the Delaunay triangulation.

IncrementalDelaunay2_0 IncrementalDelaunay2_1
IncrementalDelaunay2_2 IncrementalDelaunay2_3

MinimalCycleBasis. Extract all the cycles from a planar graph as a forest of cycle-basis trees. The algorithm is described in the PDF document. The SimpleGraph1.txt file contains the information for a graph of 26 vertices and 30 edges. The left image shows the graph with labeled vertices. The right image shows the extracted forest of cycle-basis trees.

MinimalCycleBasis0 MinimalCycleBasis1

Minimum-area or minimum-width box containing a set of 2D points. These are CPU implementations that use exact rational arithmetic for a robust (and correct) algorithm. The minimum-area box requires you to specify the rational compute type. This will change with when GTL ships because the class will handle the exact arithmetic and precision internally. The minimum-width box already hides the exact arithmetic. The minimum-area box containing a set of 2D points randomly generated within an oriented ellipse is shown in the image. The convex hull of the points is drawn in red. The minimum-area box is drawn in blue. The minimum-width box is drawn in green. Observe that the two boxes are not the same.


MinimumAreaCircle2D. Minimum-area circle containing a set of 2D points. This is a CPU implementation that uses exact rational arithmetic for a robust (and correct) algorithm. The unsigned integer type for the exact arithmetic uses a variable-size structure, so a large portion of the execution time is spent allocating and deallocating memory. Feel free to determine how many bits of precision are required and switch to a fixed-size structure instead in order to improve the performance. The sample displays the minimum-area circle as you insert each point one at a time. The first row of images (left to right) show insertion of two, three, and four points. The next row, first column. shows insertion of many but not all of the points. The last image shows insertion of all the point; in this example, the minimum-area circle is supported by two points.

MinimumAreaCircle2D_0 MinimumAreaCircle2D_1 MinimumAreaCircle2D_2
MinimumAreaCircle2D_3 MinimumAreaCircle2D_4

MinimumVolumeBox3D. Minimum-volume box containing a set of 3D points. This is a CPU implementation that uses exact rational arithmetic to compute the convex hull of the points. The minimum-volume box is selected from those boxes that are coincident with a face of the hull or with three perpendicular edges of the hull. The algorithm requires projection onto planes and lines, and it is not tractible to compute with exact rational arithmetic. This portion of the algorithm switches to floating-point arithmetic, so there is the potential for round-off errors that leads to a box that is close to, but not, the theoretical minimum-volume box. The minimum-area box containing a set of 3D points randomly generated within an oriented ellipsoid is shown in the image. The wireframe of the convex hull of the points is visible as well as the wireframe of the bounding box.


MinimumVolumeSphere3D. Minimum-volume sphere containing a set of 3D points. This is a CPU implementation that uses exact rational arithmetic for a robust (and correct) algorithm. The unsigned integer type for the exact arithmetic uses a variable-size structure, so a large portion of the execution time is spent allocating and deallocating memory. Feel free to determine how many bits of precision are required and switch to a fixed-size structure instead in order to improve the performance. The sample displays the minimum-volume sphere as you insert each point one at a time. The first row of images (left to right) show insertion of two, three, and four points. The next row, first column. shows insertion of many but not all of the points. The last image shows insertion of all the point; in this example, the minimum-volume sphere is supported by four points.

MinimumVolumeSphere3D_0 MinimumVolumeSphere3D_1 MinimumVolumeSphere3D_2
MinimumVolumeSphere3D_3 MinimumVolumeSphere3D_4

PolygonBooleanOperations. Boolean operations on polygons (union, intersection, difference, exclusive-or). The implementation uses binary space partitioning (BSP) trees. Although easy to implement, it generates too many small line segments when you have a lot of polygons in the system. A better approach is to use a sort-and-sweep algorithm for computing edge-edge intersections. The following images show the application of the algorithm to three different pairs of polygons. The black dots indicate all the points generated by the BSP tree construction. There are many more points than are necessary to actually compute the Boolean results. After applying Boolean operations, you may eliminate some of these points by checking for triples of collinear points.

original union intersection difference
(red - green)
(green - red)
Polygon0 Polygon0 Polygon0u Polygon0i Polygon0d Polygon0e Polygon0x
Polygon1 Polygon1 Polygon1u Polygon1i Polygon1d Polygon1e Polygon1x
Polygon2 Polygon2 Polygon2u Polygon2i Polygon2d Polygon2e Polygon2x

SplitMeshByPlane. A simple algorithm for clipping a triangle mesh by a plane. The two images show the mesh clipped by the plane. Triangles above the plane have vertices drawn in red. Triangles below the plane have vertices drawn in blue. Vertices that are part of both meshes are drawn in purple. You can rotate the torus in real time, seeing the meshes change over time.

SplitMeshByPlane0 SplitMeshByPlane1

TriangulationEC. Triangulation via ear clipping of polygons, nested polygons, and trees of nested polygons. In the first row, the triangulation of a simple polygon is shown in the left image. The middle image shows a polygon with a single hole. The right image shows a polygon with two holes. In the bottom row, the left image is the triangulation of a tree of nested polygons. The right image is the triangulation of a polygon with three holes. The sample code generates the triangulations for each of the six possible orderings of the holes, leading to valid triangulations in all cases.

TriangulationEC0 TriangulationEC1 TriangulationEC2
TriangulationEC3 TriangulationEC4

TriangulationCDT. Triangulation via constrained Delaunay triangulation of polygons, nested polygons, and trees of nested polygons. The TriangulateCDT class produces a convex hull of the polygon vertices and requires that the polygon edges are in the triangulation. The triangles are either inside or outside the polygon. Those inside form the triangulation of the polygon. However, having the convex hull is useful for applications that want to test for triangle containment. You can use a PlanarMesh object of the output triangles, which allows you to determine which triangle contains the query point. That triangle's index can be passed to a TriangulateCDT function that tells you whether the triangle is inside or outside the triangulation. A typical application might be interpolation of function data that is defined on a nonconvex domain. The sample application uses the same polygons as for TriangulationEC. However, a PlanarMesh object is built from the triangulation. Each pixel in the image is sent to a point-in-triangle query. If in a triangle, a query is made to determine whether it is inside or outside the polygon triangulation. If inside, the pixel is colored blue; if outside, the pixel is colored orange.

TriangulationCDT0 TriangulationCDT1
TriangulationCDT2 TriangulationCDT3

VertexCollapseMesh. Vertex collapses to decimate a mesh while preserving the mesh topology. The top row of images is the original mesh, an approximation to a cylinder, and is shown as a solid surface and as a wireframe surface. The bottom row of images is the mesh with 12 vertex collapses applied.

VertexCollapseMesh0 VertexCollapseMesh1
VertexCollapseMesh2 VertexCollapseMesh3