// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2024 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 6.0.2023.08.08 #pragma once // The SymmetricEigensolver class is an implementation of Algorithm 8.2.3 // (Symmetric QR Algorithm) described in "Matrix Computations, 2nd edition" // by G. H. Golub and C. F. Van Loan, The Johns Hopkins University Press, // Baltimore MD, Fourth Printing 1993. Algorithm 8.2.1 (Householder // Tridiagonalization) is used to reduce matrix A to tridiagonal T. // Algorithm 8.2.2 (Implicit Symmetric QR Step with Wilkinson Shift) is // used for the iterative reduction from tridiagonal to diagonal. If A is // the original matrix, D is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues, and Q is // the orthogonal matrix of eigenvectors, then theoretically Q^T*A*Q = D. // Numerically, we have errors E = Q^T*A*Q - D. Algorithm 8.2.3 mentions // that one expects |E| is approximately u*|A|, where |M| denotes the // Frobenius norm of M and where u is the unit roundoff for the // floating-point arithmetic: 2^{-23} for 'float', which is FLT_EPSILON // = 1.192092896e-7f, and 2^{-52} for'double', which is DBL_EPSILON // = 2.2204460492503131e-16. // // The condition |a(i,i+1)| <= epsilon*(|a(i,i) + a(i+1,i+1)|) used to // determine when the reduction decouples to smaller problems is implemented // as: sum = |a(i,i)| + |a(i+1,i+1)|; sum + |a(i,i+1)| == sum. The idea is // that the superdiagonal term is small relative to its diagonal neighbors, // and so it is effectively zero. The unit tests have shown that this // interpretation of decoupling is effective. // // The authors suggest that once you have the tridiagonal matrix, a practical // implementation will store the diagonal and superdiagonal entries in linear // arrays, ignoring the theoretically zero values not in the 3-band. This is // good for cache coherence. The authors also suggest storing the Householder // vectors in the lower-triangular portion of the matrix to save memory. The // implementation uses both suggestions. // // For matrices with randomly generated values in [0,1], the unit tests // produce the following information for N-by-N matrices. // // N |A| |E| |E|/|A| iterations // ------------------------------------------- // 2 1.2332 5.5511e-17 4.5011e-17 1 // 3 2.0024 1.1818e-15 5.9020e-16 5 // 4 2.8708 9.9287e-16 3.4585e-16 7 // 5 2.9040 2.5958e-15 8.9388e-16 9 // 6 4.0427 2.2434e-15 5.5493e-16 12 // 7 5.0276 3.2456e-15 6.4555e-16 15 // 8 5.4468 6.5626e-15 1.2048e-15 15 // 9 6.1510 4.0317e-15 6.5545e-16 17 // 10 6.7523 4.9334e-15 7.3062e-16 21 // 11 7.1322 7.1347e-15 1.0003e-15 22 // 12 7.8324 5.6106e-15 7.1633e-16 24 // 13 8.1073 5.1366e-15 6.3357e-16 25 // 14 8.6257 8.3496e-15 9.6798e-16 29 // 15 9.2603 6.9526e-15 7.5080e-16 31 // 16 9.9853 6.5807e-15 6.5904e-16 32 // 17 10.5388 8.0931e-15 7.6793e-16 35 // 18 11.2377 1.1149e-14 9.9218e-16 38 // 19 11.7105 1.0711e-14 9.1470e-16 42 // 20 12.2227 1.7723e-14 1.4500e-15 42 // 21 12.7411 1.2515e-14 9.8231e-16 47 // 22 13.4462 1.2645e-14 9.4046e-16 50 // 23 13.9541 1.2899e-14 9.2444e-16 47 // 24 14.3298 1.6337e-14 1.1400e-15 53 // 25 14.8050 1.4760e-14 9.9701e-16 54 // 26 15.3914 1.7076e-14 1.1094e-15 57 // 27 15.8430 1.9714e-14 1.2443e-15 60 // 28 16.4771 1.7148e-14 1.0407e-15 60 // 29 16.9909 1.7309e-14 1.0187e-15 60 // 30 17.4456 2.1453e-14 1.2297e-15 64 // 31 17.9909 2.2069e-14 1.2267e-15 68 // // The eigenvalues and |E|/|A| values were compared to those generated by // Mathematica Version 9.0; Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign IL, 2012. // The results were all comparable with eigenvalues agreeing to a large // number of decimal places. // // Timing on an Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20 GHZ (in seconds): // // N |E|/|A| iters tridiag QR evecs evec[N] comperr // -------------------------------------------------------------- // 512 4.4149e-15 1017 0.180 0.005 1.151 0.848 2.166 // 1024 6.1691e-15 1990 1.775 0.031 11.894 12.759 21.179 // 2048 8.5108e-15 3849 16.592 0.107 119.744 116.56 212.227 // // where iters is the number of QR steps taken, tridiag is the computation // of the Householder reflection vectors, evecs is the composition of // Householder reflections and Givens rotations to obtain the matrix of // eigenvectors, evec[N] is N calls to get the eigenvectors separately, and // comperr is the computation E = Q^T*A*Q - D. The construction of the full // eigenvector matrix is, of course, quite expensive. If you need only a // small number of eigenvectors, use function GetEigenvector(int32_t,Real*). #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace gte { template class SymmetricEigensolver { public: // The solver processes NxN symmetric matrices, where N > 1 ('size' // is N) and the matrix is stored in row-major order. The maximum // number of iterations ('maxIterations') must be specified for the // reduction of a tridiagonal matrix to a diagonal matrix. The goal // is to compute NxN orthogonal Q and NxN diagonal D for which // Q^T*A*Q = D. SymmetricEigensolver(int32_t size, uint32_t maxIterations) : mSize(0), mMaxIterations(0), mEigenvectorMatrixType(-1) { if (size > 1 && maxIterations > 0) { size_t szSize = static_cast(size); mSize = size; mMaxIterations = maxIterations; mMatrix.resize(szSize * szSize); mDiagonal.resize(szSize); mSuperdiagonal.resize(szSize - 1); mGivens.reserve(static_cast(maxIterations) * (szSize - 1)); mPermutation.resize(szSize); mVisited.resize(szSize); mPVector.resize(szSize); mVVector.resize(szSize); mWVector.resize(szSize); } } // A copy of the NxN symmetric input is made internally. The order of // the eigenvalues is specified by sortType: -1 (decreasing), 0 (no // sorting), or +1 (increasing). When sorted, the eigenvectors are // ordered accordingly. The return value is the number of iterations // consumed when convergence occurred, 0xFFFFFFFF when convergence did // not occur, or 0 when N <= 1 was passed to the constructor. uint32_t Solve(Real const* input, int32_t sortType) { mEigenvectorMatrixType = -1; if (mSize > 0) { std::copy(input, input + static_cast(mSize) * static_cast(mSize), mMatrix.begin()); Tridiagonalize(); mGivens.clear(); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < mMaxIterations; ++j) { int32_t imin = -1, imax = -1; for (int32_t i = mSize - 2; i >= 0; --i) { // When a01 is much smaller than its diagonal // neighbors, it is effectively zero. Real a00 = mDiagonal[i]; Real a01 = mSuperdiagonal[i]; Real a11 = mDiagonal[static_cast(i) + 1]; Real sum = std::fabs(a00) + std::fabs(a11); if (sum + std::fabs(a01) != sum) { if (imax == -1) { imax = i; } imin = i; } else { // The superdiagonal term is effectively zero // compared to the neighboring diagonal terms. if (imin >= 0) { break; } } } if (imax == -1) { // The algorithm has converged. ComputePermutation(sortType); return j; } // Process the lower-right-most unreduced tridiagonal // block. DoQRImplicitShift(imin, imax); } return 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { return 0; } } // Get the eigenvalues of the matrix passed to Solve(...). The input // 'eigenvalues' must have N elements. void GetEigenvalues(Real* eigenvalues) const { if (eigenvalues && mSize > 0) { if (mPermutation[0] >= 0) { // Sorting was requested. for (int32_t i = 0; i < mSize; ++i) { int32_t p = mPermutation[i]; eigenvalues[i] = mDiagonal[p]; } } else { // Sorting was not requested. size_t numBytes = mSize * sizeof(Real); std::memcpy(eigenvalues, &mDiagonal[0], numBytes); } } } // Accumulate the Householder reflections and Givens rotations to // produce the orthogonal matrix Q for which Q^T*A*Q = D. The input // 'eigenvectors' must have N*N elements. The array is filled in as // if the eigenvector matrix is stored in row-major order. The i-th // eigenvector is // (eigenvectors[i+size*0], ... eigenvectors[i+size*(size - 1)]) // which is the i-th column of 'eigenvectors' as an NxN matrix stored // in row-major order. void GetEigenvectors(Real* eigenvectors) const { mEigenvectorMatrixType = -1; if (eigenvectors && mSize > 0) { // Start with the identity matrix. std::fill(eigenvectors, eigenvectors + static_cast(mSize) * static_cast(mSize), (Real)0); for (int32_t d = 0; d < mSize; ++d) { eigenvectors[d + mSize * d] = (Real)1; } // Multiply the Householder reflections using backward // accumulation. int32_t r, c; for (int32_t i = mSize - 3, rmin = i + 1; i >= 0; --i, --rmin) { // Copy the v vector and 2/Dot(v,v) from the matrix. Real const* column = &mMatrix[i]; Real twoinvvdv = column[mSize * (i + 1)]; for (r = 0; r < i + 1; ++r) { mVVector[r] = (Real)0; } mVVector[r] = (Real)1; for (++r; r < mSize; ++r) { mVVector[r] = column[mSize * r]; } // Compute the w vector. for (r = 0; r < mSize; ++r) { mWVector[r] = (Real)0; for (c = rmin; c < mSize; ++c) { mWVector[r] += mVVector[c] * eigenvectors[r + mSize * c]; } mWVector[r] *= twoinvvdv; } // Update the matrix, Q <- Q - v*w^T. for (r = rmin; r < mSize; ++r) { for (c = 0; c < mSize; ++c) { eigenvectors[c + mSize * r] -= mVVector[r] * mWVector[c]; } } } // Multiply the Givens rotations. for (auto const& givens : mGivens) { for (r = 0; r < mSize; ++r) { int32_t j = givens.index + mSize * r; Real& q0 = eigenvectors[j]; Real& q1 = eigenvectors[j + 1]; Real prd0 = givens.cs * q0 - givens.sn * q1; Real prd1 = givens.sn * q0 + givens.cs * q1; q0 = prd0; q1 = prd1; } } // The number of Householder reflections is H = mSize - 2. If // H is even, the product of Householder reflections is a // rotation; otherwise, H is odd and the product is a // reflection. The number of Givens rotations does not // influence the type of the product of Householder // reflections. mEigenvectorMatrixType = 1 - (mSize & 1); if (mPermutation[0] >= 0) { // Sorting was requested. std::fill(mVisited.begin(), mVisited.end(), 0); for (int32_t i = 0; i < mSize; ++i) { if (mVisited[i] == 0 && mPermutation[i] != i) { // The item starts a cycle with 2 or more // elements. int32_t start = i, current = i, j, next; for (j = 0; j < mSize; ++j) { mPVector[j] = eigenvectors[i + mSize * j]; } while ((next = mPermutation[current]) != start) { mEigenvectorMatrixType = 1 - mEigenvectorMatrixType; mVisited[current] = 1; for (j = 0; j < mSize; ++j) { eigenvectors[current + mSize * j] = eigenvectors[next + mSize * j]; } current = next; } mVisited[current] = 1; for (j = 0; j < mSize; ++j) { eigenvectors[current + mSize * j] = mPVector[j]; } } } } } } // The eigenvector matrix is a rotation (return +1) or a reflection // (return 0). If the input 'size' to the constructor is 0 or the // input 'eigenvectors' to GetEigenvectors is null, the returned value // is -1. inline int32_t GetEigenvectorMatrixType() const { return mEigenvectorMatrixType; } // Compute a single eigenvector, which amounts to computing column c // of matrix Q. The reflections and rotations are applied // incrementally. This is useful when you want only a small number of // the eigenvectors. void GetEigenvector(int32_t c, Real* eigenvector) const { if (0 <= c && c < mSize) { // y = H*x, then x and y are swapped for the next H Real* x = eigenvector; Real* y = &mPVector[0]; // Start with the Euclidean basis vector. std::memset(x, 0, mSize * sizeof(Real)); if (mPermutation[0] >= 0) { // Sorting was requested. x[mPermutation[c]] = (Real)1; } else { x[c] = (Real)1; } // Apply the Givens rotations. for (auto const& givens : gte::reverse(mGivens)) { Real& xr = x[givens.index]; Real& xrp1 = x[givens.index + 1]; Real tmp0 = givens.cs * xr + givens.sn * xrp1; Real tmp1 = -givens.sn * xr + givens.cs * xrp1; xr = tmp0; xrp1 = tmp1; } // Apply the Householder reflections. for (int32_t i = mSize - 3; i >= 0; --i) { // Get the Householder vector v. Real const* column = &mMatrix[i]; Real twoinvvdv = column[mSize * (i + 1)]; int32_t r; for (r = 0; r <= i; ++r) { y[r] = x[r]; } // Compute s = Dot(x,v) * 2/v^T*v. // // NOTE: MSVS 2019 16+ generates for Real=double, mSize=6: // warning C6385: Reading invalid data from 'x': the // readable size is '_Old_3`mSize*sizeof(Real)' bytes, // but '16' bytes may be read. // This appears to be incorrect. At this point in the // code, r = i + 1. On i-loop entry, r = mSize-2. On // i-loop exit, r = 1. This keeps r in the valid range // for x[]. #if defined(GTE_USE_MSWINDOWS) #pragma warning(disable : 6385) #endif Real s = x[r]; // r = i+1, v[i+1] = 1 // Note that on i-loop entry, r = mSize-2 in which // case r+1 = mSize-1. This keeps index j in the valid // range for x[]. for (int32_t j = r + 1; j < mSize; ++j) { s += x[j] * column[mSize * j]; } s *= twoinvvdv; y[r] = x[r] - s; // v[i+1] = 1 // Compute the remaining components of y. for (++r; r < mSize; ++r) { y[r] = x[r] - s * column[mSize * r]; } std::swap(x, y); #if defined(GTE_USE_MSWINDOWS) #pragma warning(default : 6385) #endif } // The final product is stored in x. if (x != eigenvector) { size_t numBytes = mSize * sizeof(Real); std::memcpy(eigenvector, x, numBytes); } } } Real GetEigenvalue(int32_t c) const { if (mSize > 0) { if (mPermutation[0] >= 0) { // Sorting was requested. return mDiagonal[mPermutation[c]]; } else { // Sorting was not requested. return mDiagonal[c]; } } else { return std::numeric_limits::max(); } } private: // Tridiagonalize using Householder reflections. On input, mMatrix is // a copy of the input matrix. On output, the upper-triangular part // of mMatrix including the diagonal stores the tridiagonalization. // The lower-triangular part contains 2/Dot(v,v) that are used in // computing eigenvectors and the part below the subdiagonal stores // the essential parts of the Householder vectors v (the elements of // v after the leading 1-valued component). void Tridiagonalize() { int32_t r, c; for (int32_t i = 0, ip1 = 1; i < mSize - 2; ++i, ++ip1) { // Compute the Householder vector. Read the initial vector // from the row of the matrix. Real length = (Real)0; for (r = 0; r < ip1; ++r) { mVVector[r] = (Real)0; } for (r = ip1; r < mSize; ++r) { Real vr = mMatrix[r + static_cast(mSize) * i]; mVVector[r] = vr; length += vr * vr; } Real vdv = (Real)1; length = std::sqrt(length); if (length > (Real)0) { Real& v1 = mVVector[ip1]; Real sgn = (v1 >= (Real)0 ? (Real)1 : (Real)-1); Real invDenom = ((Real)1) / (v1 + sgn * length); v1 = (Real)1; for (r = ip1 + 1; r < mSize; ++r) { Real& vr = mVVector[r]; vr *= invDenom; vdv += vr * vr; } } // Compute the rank-1 offsets v*w^T and w*v^T. Real invvdv = (Real)1 / vdv; Real twoinvvdv = invvdv * (Real)2; Real pdvtvdv = (Real)0; for (r = i; r < mSize; ++r) { mPVector[r] = (Real)0; for (c = i; c < r; ++c) { mPVector[r] += mMatrix[r + static_cast(mSize) * c] * mVVector[c]; } for (/**/; c < mSize; ++c) { mPVector[r] += mMatrix[c + static_cast(mSize) * r] * mVVector[c]; } mPVector[r] *= twoinvvdv; pdvtvdv += mPVector[r] * mVVector[r]; } pdvtvdv *= invvdv; for (r = i; r < mSize; ++r) { mWVector[r] = mPVector[r] - pdvtvdv * mVVector[r]; } // Update the input matrix. for (r = i; r < mSize; ++r) { Real vr = mVVector[r]; Real wr = mWVector[r]; Real offset = vr * wr * (Real)2; mMatrix[r + static_cast(mSize) * r] -= offset; for (c = r + 1; c < mSize; ++c) { offset = vr * mWVector[c] + wr * mVVector[c]; mMatrix[c + static_cast(mSize) * r] -= offset; } } // Copy the vector to column i of the matrix. The 0-valued // components at indices 0 through i are not stored. The // 1-valued component at index i+1 is also not stored; // instead, the quantity 2/Dot(v,v) is stored for use in // eigenvector construction. That construction must take // into account the implied components that are not stored. mMatrix[i + static_cast(mSize) * ip1] = twoinvvdv; for (r = ip1 + 1; r < mSize; ++r) { mMatrix[i + static_cast(mSize) * r] = mVVector[r]; } } // Copy the diagonal and subdiagonal entries for cache coherence // in the QR iterations. int32_t k, ksup = mSize - 1, index = 0, delta = mSize + 1; for (k = 0; k < ksup; ++k, index += delta) { mDiagonal[k] = mMatrix[index]; mSuperdiagonal[k] = mMatrix[static_cast(index) + 1]; } mDiagonal[k] = mMatrix[index]; } // A helper for generating Givens rotation sine and cosine robustly. void GetSinCos(Real x, Real y, Real& cs, Real& sn) { // Solves sn*x + cs*y = 0 robustly. Real tau; if (y != (Real)0) { if (std::fabs(y) > std::fabs(x)) { tau = -x / y; sn = (Real)1 / std::sqrt((Real)1 + tau * tau); cs = sn * tau; } else { tau = -y / x; cs = (Real)1 / std::sqrt((Real)1 + tau * tau); sn = cs * tau; } } else { cs = (Real)1; sn = (Real)0; } } // The QR step with implicit shift. Generally, the initial T is // unreduced tridiagonal (all subdiagonal entries are nonzero). If a // QR step causes a superdiagonal entry to become zero, the matrix // decouples into a block diagonal matrix with two tridiagonal blocks. // These blocks can be reduced independently of each other, which // allows for parallelization of the algorithm. The inputs imin and // imax identify the subblock of T to be processed. That block has // upper-left element T(imin,imin) and lower-right element // T(imax,imax). void DoQRImplicitShift(int32_t imin, int32_t imax) { // The implicit shift. Compute the eigenvalue u of the // lower-right 2x2 block that is closer to a11. Real a00 = mDiagonal[imax]; Real a01 = mSuperdiagonal[imax]; Real a11 = mDiagonal[static_cast(imax) + 1]; Real dif = (a00 - a11) * (Real)0.5; Real sgn = (dif >= (Real)0 ? (Real)1 : (Real)-1); Real a01sqr = a01 * a01; Real u = a11 - a01sqr / (dif + sgn * std::sqrt(dif * dif + a01sqr)); Real x = mDiagonal[imin] - u; Real y = mSuperdiagonal[imin]; Real a12, a22, a23, tmp11, tmp12, tmp21, tmp22, cs, sn; Real a02 = (Real)0; int32_t i0 = imin - 1, i1 = imin, i2 = imin + 1; for (/**/; i1 <= imax; ++i0, ++i1, ++i2) { // Compute the Givens rotation and save it for use in // computing the eigenvectors. GetSinCos(x, y, cs, sn); mGivens.push_back(GivensRotation(i1, cs, sn)); // Update the tridiagonal matrix. This amounts to updating a // 4x4 subblock, // b00 b01 b02 b03 // b01 b11 b12 b13 // b02 b12 b22 b23 // b03 b13 b23 b33 // The four corners (b00, b03, b33) do not change values. The // The interior block {{b11,b12},{b12,b22}} is updated on each // pass. For the first pass, the b0c values are out of range, // so only the values (b13, b23) change. For the last pass, // the br3 values are out of range, so only the values // (b01, b02) change. For passes between first and last, the // values (b01, b02, b13, b23) change. if (i1 > imin) { mSuperdiagonal[i0] = cs * mSuperdiagonal[i0] - sn * a02; } a11 = mDiagonal[i1]; a12 = mSuperdiagonal[i1]; a22 = mDiagonal[i2]; tmp11 = cs * a11 - sn * a12; tmp12 = cs * a12 - sn * a22; tmp21 = sn * a11 + cs * a12; tmp22 = sn * a12 + cs * a22; mDiagonal[i1] = cs * tmp11 - sn * tmp12; mSuperdiagonal[i1] = sn * tmp11 + cs * tmp12; mDiagonal[i2] = sn * tmp21 + cs * tmp22; if (i1 < imax) { a23 = mSuperdiagonal[i2]; a02 = -sn * a23; mSuperdiagonal[i2] = cs * a23; // Update the parameters for the next Givens rotation. x = mSuperdiagonal[i1]; y = a02; } } } // Sort the eigenvalues and compute the corresponding permutation of // the indices of the array storing the eigenvalues. The permutation // is used for reordering the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in the // calls to GetEigenvalues(...) and GetEigenvectors(...). void ComputePermutation(int32_t sortType) { // The number of Householder reflections is H = mSize - 2. If H // is even, the product of Householder reflections is a rotation; // otherwise, H is odd and the product is a reflection. The // number of Givens rotations does not influence the type of the // product of Householder reflections. mEigenvectorMatrixType = 1 - (mSize & 1); if (sortType == 0) { // Set a flag for GetEigenvalues() and GetEigenvectors() to // know that sorted output was not requested. mPermutation[0] = -1; return; } // Compute the permutation induced by sorting. Initially, we // start with the identity permutation I = (0,1,...,N-1). struct SortItem { SortItem() : eigenvalue((Real)0), index(0) { } Real eigenvalue; int32_t index; }; std::vector items(mSize); int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < mSize; ++i) { items[i].eigenvalue = mDiagonal[i]; items[i].index = i; } if (sortType > 0) { std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), [](SortItem const& item0, SortItem const& item1) { return item0.eigenvalue < item1.eigenvalue; } ); } else { std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), [](SortItem const& item0, SortItem const& item1) { return item0.eigenvalue > item1.eigenvalue; } ); } i = 0; for (auto const& item : items) { mPermutation[i++] = item.index; } // GetEigenvectors() has nontrivial code for computing the // orthogonal Q from the reflections and rotations. To avoid // complicating the code further when sorting is requested, Q is // computed as in the unsorted case. We then need to swap columns // of Q to be consistent with the sorting of the eigenvalues. To // minimize copying due to column swaps, we use permutation P. // The minimum number of transpositions to obtain P from I is N // minus the number of cycles of P. Each cycle is reordered with // a minimum number of transpositions; that is, the eigenitems are // cyclically swapped, leading to a minimum amount of copying. // For/ example, if there is a cycle i0 -> i1 -> i2 -> i3, then // the copying is // save = eigenitem[i0]; // eigenitem[i1] = eigenitem[i2]; // eigenitem[i2] = eigenitem[i3]; // eigenitem[i3] = save; } // The number N of rows and columns of the matrices to be processed. int32_t mSize; // The maximum number of iterations for reducing the tridiagonal // matrix to a diagonal matrix. uint32_t mMaxIterations; // The internal copy of a matrix passed to the solver. See the // comments about function Tridiagonalize() about what is stored in // the matrix. std::vector mMatrix; // NxN elements // After the initial tridiagonalization by Householder reflections, we // no longer need the full mMatrix. Copy the diagonal and // superdiagonal entries to linear arrays in order to be cache // friendly. std::vector mDiagonal; // N elements std::vector mSuperdiagonal; // N-1 elements // The Givens rotations used to reduce the initial tridiagonal matrix // to a diagonal matrix. A rotation is the identity with the // following replacement entries: R(index,index) = cs, // R(index,index+1) = sn, R(index+1,index) = -sn and // R(index+1,index+1) = cs. If N is the matrix size and K is the // maximum number of iterations, the maximum number of Givens // rotations is K*(N-1). The maximum amount of memory is allocated // to store these. struct GivensRotation { // No default initialization for fast creation of std::vector // of objects of this type. GivensRotation() = default; GivensRotation(int32_t inIndex, Real inCs, Real inSn) : index(inIndex), cs(inCs), sn(inSn) { } int32_t index; Real cs, sn; }; std::vector mGivens; // K*(N-1) elements // When sorting is requested, the permutation associated with the sort // is stored in mPermutation. When sorting is not requested, // mPermutation[0] is set to -1. mVisited is used for finding cycles // in the permutation. mEigenvectorMatrixType is +1 if GetEigenvectors // returns a rotation matrix, 0 if GetEigenvectors returns a // reflection matrix or -1 if an input to the constructor or to // GetEigenvectors is invalid. std::vector mPermutation; // N elements mutable std::vector mVisited; // N elements mutable int32_t mEigenvectorMatrixType; // Temporary storage to compute Householder reflections and to // support sorting of eigenvectors. mutable std::vector mPVector; // N elements mutable std::vector mVVector; // N elements mutable std::vector mWVector; // N elements }; }