by David H. Eberly
General Information.
The book is 387 pages long. It does not include a CD-ROM, but many
of the algorithms are implemented in the Geometric Tools Library (GTL)
source code distribution that will be posted when the book is available in
print. The table of contents
an idea of the topics covered in the book.
From the back cover of the book.
This is a how-to book for solving geometric problems robustly or error free
in actual practice. The contents and accompanying source code are based on
the feature requests and feedback received from industry professionals and
academics who want both the descriptions and source code for implementations
of geometric algorithms. The book provides a framework for geometric
computing using several arithmetic systems and describes how to select the
appropriate system for the problem at hand.
Key Features:
Copyright Notices. This material has been published by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. and David H. Eberly. This material may not be copied or reposted without explicit permission. Copyright © 2020 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. and David H. Eberly.
Reviewers of the Book Proposal. Alan McIntyre (Code Reclaimers), Dennis Wenzel (True Matrix) and Dinesh Manocha (Professor, University of Maryland).