
Although the PDF documentation at this website describes some of the algorithms in the source code at this site, the following books serve as a better source of description. The Geometric Tools book is published by Elsevier. The remaining books are published now by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group).

Robust and Error-Free
Geometric Computing
Robust and Error-Free Geometric Computing
• About the Book
• Amazon's information
• Corrections/Notes (23 Dec 2020)
GPGPU Programming for
Games and Science
GPGPU Programming for Games and Science
• About the Book
• Amazon's information
• Corrections (23 Apr 2015)
Game Physics
Game Physics (2nd edition)
• About the Book
• Amazon's information
• Corrections (12 Feb 2022)
3D Game Engine
3D Game Engine Design (2nd edition)
• About the Book
• Amazon's information
• Corrections (10 June 2022)
Geometric Tools for
Computer Graphics
Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics
• About the Book
• Amazon's information
• Corrections (28 November 2021)